Bo - Rad! came about late spring semester of '91 when myself and some friends rediscovered this entertaining game. I made the game 2 player-able over a modem or local connection, but after many changes and enhancements, the 2 player version became too buggy. If anyone would like to see the two player version, just let me know through my e-mail or a letter.
Refinement will come as time frees up. I see a good amount of improvements that
I can make to BR, but this will only occur if there is adequate interest. Suggestions are always welcome.
If you enjoy this game, please send U.S. $7 to:
Joseph Fleck
707 West Sheridan #205
Chicago, IL 60613
or whatever you feel its worth (that's sort of a dangerous statement I suppose).
Thanks to :
Sam Roseman for his help with my beta-testing.
Eric Strand and Elsa Kahsen for everything else.
All who send in their fee.
-Joe Fleck
October 1992
• Version History
1 player version totally up and running.
Added several features: Mix-em up mixes up the puzzle after, I believe 1.5 minutes since
the last send. It then alters the clues accordingly. Give it a shot!
Also added the capability to simply hit the numbers 1-5 for the column, and use the
arrow keys for color selection.
Also added choice for repeated colors in the puzzle or non-repeated colors.
Also added low score list, with a timer for best scores.
Also added Low Score disabling when puzzle is flashed.
Also added Save/Open game features.
Also added the shift click ability to send a single color up an entire column (for those
colors that you JUST KNOW ARE RIGHT). (i.e. shift click in the first column and it sends
whatever color is chosen all the way up.)
Also added the ability to simply choose a color by selecting a previously filled in color.
(i.e. click below the dot you're in for that color).
SENT OUT FIRST BETA COPIES ON 1/28/92 under a different name.
Added some more hidden features to the instruction document.
Corrected a bug reported by a very kind user which occurred when no color was selected at the outset and guessing began. The game would default to a white color which did not correspond correctly to the white color of the puzzle. Thanks for the report!